Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why are we adopting?

Well, this is loaded question; not really but it is a popular one. Jason and I decided last year that we were ready to see where God would lead us if we completely let go and we are going to Ethiopia. We had been trying for awhile to start growing our family; without luck. We were definitely discouraged but it really wasn't a sob sad story more just ok now what story :) I had begun to ask God some questions about what he wanted from us; after a very serious prayertime God answered and opened the door for us to go on a Haiti medical mission trip. Jason was onboard and so away we went. We had a great experience and kinda found the courage to take new steps when we got home. We looked at a lot of different options and decided on international adoption. If anyone has further questions on the matter we are happy to discuss those in person. :) We went to the first meeting and agreed that our baby was waiting in Ethiopia!
That is why we are adopting; like I said it is probably a similar story to others you might know but we are so excited for our story to unfold.